Daniel Machen


I'm a software developer based in the Seattle area that's always ready to write code and make commits. I'm always working on a new project. Scroll down to have a look at some of them.
A three quarters profile of Daniel Machen stylized with monochrome verticle scan lines


This Website

May 2021 - Now

This site was generated using a webpack configuration that generates the HTML through pug templets and its javascript is generated from typescript. It is hosted using continuous integration to netlify via GitHub.

8-Bit Armageddon

March 2021

A round of the game 8-Bit Armageddon being played
The menu used for starting a game of 8-Bit Armageddon
A player getting ready to start their turn


8-Bit Armageddon was a team project for a programming course. A team of 4 including myself spent 3 months building this game from scratch and published it on GitHub pages

I spent much of my time architecting and implementing solutions for camera movement, user input, and the destructible terrain.

Technologies Used:


March 2021

http_page_monitor is a python package that allows someone to specify how they would like to be alerted when a page is changed. It also allows the user to determine how they would like the change detected via a custom function that compares the content of the previous request and the current request.


March 2020

A screenshot of the home page for the website unique domain
A screenshot of a modal box displaying domains similar to a domain being examined for availability
A screenshot of a page displaying domains generated using the .us domain name


UniqueDoma.in is a website that allows the user to input a word and then generate domain "hacks" that include that word and make sense. For example, you might input "unique", and the website could then come up with "uniquedoma.in"

Graph of Related HTML5 Tags

June 2020

A graph of connected HTML5 tags


I built a web-spider that scrapped the internet for HTML5 tag statistics. Each page visited had its tags recorded and then the 3 most related tags were connected. After this, a graph was built utilizing D3.js to create an interactable graph.

Technologies Used:

Orbital Narrative

October 2018

The title screen for the game Orbital Narrative showing a ship in orbit with the title of the game
A scene of exposition from the intro of the game Oribital Narrative


Orbital Narrative is a side-scrolling video game that was written entirely in C using the SDL2 media library for screen output and audio. It features a tiling map as well as threaded draw, update, and audio loops.

"Take the role of an exploratory drone, explore a mysterious mining ship that has suddenly reappeared, and discover why it's been split in half."

Technologies Used:
